Youth Health
This page gives brief information on some youth health issues and conditions that you may be interested in, and includes some links to articles and websites which we believe provide reliable information.
Acne (Acne vulgaris) is the common cause of ‘spots’, blackheads and pimples. Acne is common in people aged between 12 and 35. 90% of teenagers develop some degree of acne. It is estimated that 30% of teenagers have acne that is bad enough to need treatment to prevent scarring. Even mild to moderate acne can cause significant psychological distress and medical treatment can greatly improve the sufferer’s wellbeing. There are a variety of treatments available for acne. Some treatments are topical (applied to the skin) and these may be sufficient to adequately treat mild acne. Often oral treatments (take by mouth in tablet form) are needed.
Asthma is a common condition that can affect children and adults. It causes breathing difficulty and coughing.
Your doctor can give you contraceptive information and advice.
At Hamilton East Medical Centre, a number of doctors provide specialised contraception services including:
- Vasectomy
- IUCD (including Mirena), and
- Contraceptive implants.
For good up-to-date information that is easy to follow, Family Planning has excellent on-line resources. This includes pamphlets which can be downloaded.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Please visit the following websites for information, including downloadable pamphlets:
Immunisation information: the National Immunisation schedule
This is the group of immunisations( vaccinations) that is publicly funded in New Zealand.
Influenza 'FLU' Vaccine
Influenza immunisation is available annually and is free to people aged 65 years and over, pregnant women and adults and children with long term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease. Even if you do not qualify for a free flu vaccine, you can still benefit from having one every year.

16 Beale Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3210
PO Box 4096, Hamilton 3247
Phone: 07 839 1232
Fax: 07 834 0928
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri, 8.00am - 5.00pm