Women's Health
This page gives brief information on some women's health issues and conditions that you may be interested in, and includes some links to articles and websites which we believe provide reliable information.
Breast Screening
In New Zealand each year over 2,600 women and 20 men are diagnosed with breast cancer. For every person who is diagnosed, other people are affected including husbands, wives, partners, children, family and friends. This means that in one year, thousands of New Zealanders are affected by breast cancer.
Normal menopause can start in women aged 40 years and over. It can be the cause of some distressing symptoms. For information on menopause including associated symptoms and treatment options see the website of the Australasian Menopause Society:
Smear Tests
All women between the ages of 20 to 69 years who have ever been or are sexually active, who are registered with the practice are eligible to have a smear test.
Do you require a smear?
A smear test is not required if:
- You are currently pregnant (unless an abnormal smear is being followed up as per Guidelines for Cervical Screening NZ)
- You have never been sexually active
- You had had a previous total hysterectomy with benign histology AND have had no previous high-grade lesions

16 Beale Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3210
PO Box 4096, Hamilton 3247
Phone: 07 839 1232
Fax: 07 834 0928
Email: hemc@hemc.co.nz
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri, 8.00am - 5.00pm