Sports Medicine
Sports medicine is concerned with physical fitness and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries and illnesses associated with sport or exercise activities. People of all ages and levels of fitness, including top athletes and sports people may may benefit from seeing a sports doctor at some time.
We have specialised experience in sports medicine and provide an expert and team approach.
Often Sports medicine requires referrals to other specialists to help with diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
The causes of injury and illness in sport can be multi-factorial and include physiological, environmental, psychological and emotional factors.
All general practitioners have an interest and some training in physical wellbeing, fitness and injuries.
Dr Zig Khouri
Dr Zig Khouri has special training and experience in sports medicine and has a Diploma in Sports Medicine.
He is currently doctor for the Waikato ruby team (since 2001), and for the Chiefs rugby team, a position he has held for 11 years. In the past he has been the doctor for the Junior All Blacks (2005 to 2008), and Maori All Blacks (2014 to 2017)
If you think you would benefit from seeing a sports doctor, you can discuss it with your own doctor so that an appropriate referral and appointment can be arranged.

16 Beale Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3210
PO Box 4096, Hamilton 3247
Phone: 07 839 1232
Fax: 07 834 0928
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri, 8.00am - 5.00pm