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Our Resolution Process

We welcome your feedback

You are able to phone and discuss with us your feedback or you can put it in writing and address to:

The Compliments and Complaints Officer
Hamilton East Medical Centre
PO Box 4096
Hamilton 3247

Phone 07 839 1232

We are committed to treating complaints seriously and to responding promptly and fairly. In investigating the complaint, our aim is to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion and where appropriate take action to ensure that situation does not arise again. It is helpful if complaints are received in writing as soon as possible after the event.

Who else can I complain to?

The Health and Disability Commissioner
PO Box 1791, Auckland
Phone 0800 112 233

The Medical Council
PO Box 11 649, Wellington
Phone 04 384 7635

For matters where you feel privacy has been breached, you can write to:
The Privacy Commissioner
PO Box 466, Auckland 1
Phone 0800 803 909


If you would like support to do this, there is a free advocacy service to help you. Phone the office of the Health and Disability Commissioner, phone 0800 112 233.  Everyone using a health or disability service has the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Service Consumers’ Rights.